
Code of Conduct


In 2017, the Montana Legislature passed HB487, which is effective October 1, 2017. The purpose of the legislation is to prevent permanent injury and death related to concussion to youth athletes in the state of Montana. It requires that a youth athletic organization offering organized youth athletic activities adopt policies and procedures to inform coaches, officials, youth athletes, and parents or guardians of the nature and risk of brain injuries, including the effects of continuing to play after a concussion. The policies, content, and protocols must be consistent with current medical knowledge as to: (a) the nature and risk of brain injuries associated with athletic activity; (b) the signs, symptoms, and behaviors consistent with a brain injury; (c) the need to alert a licensed health care professional for urgent recognition and treatment when a youth athlete exhibits signs, symptoms, or behaviors consistent with a concussion; and (d) the need to follow proper medical direction and protocols for treatment and returning to play after a youth athlete sustains a concussion. The legislation also requires that a form documenting that educational materials addressing (a) to (d) be provided to and viewed by each youth athlete and the youth athlete's parent or guardian. That form must be signed by each youth athlete and the youth athlete's parent or guardian and returned to the youth athletic organization prior to the youth athlete's participation in organized youth athletic activities. The form may be in effect for no more than a one year period. Youth athletic organizers are required to ensure access to a training program related to concussion and each coach and official participating in organized youth athletic activities must complete the training program at least once each year. In compliance with the requirements of HB487, it is the policy of HYSA that any player suspected of sustaining a concussion in a practice or game must be removed from the practice or competition immediately, regardless of how mild it may seem or how quickly symptoms resolve. The player may not return to play or practice until a licensed healthcare provider evaluates the athlete trained in the evaluation and management of concussion and has received written clearance to play from that healthcare provider. HYSA hereby adopts the Montana High School Association (MHSA) Concussion and Injury Procedure.

HYSA hereby adopts the Montana Youth Soccer Association (MYSA) Concussion Procedures and Protocols for Montana Youth Soccer Events and the Concussion Return to Play Clearance

If there is a conflict between the policies adopted by the MHSA and the MYSA, the MHSA policies govern. Every coach and official participating in HYSA activities must attend a coaches’ meeting each season and HYSA will discuss these concussion procedures and protocols at those meetings.

Once coaches and officials participating in HYSA activities complete that CDC training, they must inform the HYSA Registrar that the training is complete. HYSA hereby adopts the MYSA Parental Information and Consent Form, which is the form that must be signed by each youth athlete and the youth athlete's parent or guardian and returned to HYSA prior to the youth athlete's participation in organized youth athletic activities.

This form is effective for one year from the date of signature, and then must be renewed and signed again by the youth athlete and the athlete’s parent or guardian.

Adopted by the HYSA Board of Directors: September 18, 2017 Effective: October 1, 2017


Financial Aid


Play Time and Roster Limits

Discussion of any play time concerns should be addressed with the Head Coach and if further discussion is needed with the Executive Director.

  • 10U Academy

    • Field Players: 7v7

    • Playing Time: 50%

    • MYSA Game Roster: n/a

    • Min/Max Team Size: pool play

  • 11U Academy

    • Field Players: 9v9

    • Playing Time: 50%

    • MYSA Game Roster: 18

    • Min/Max Team Size: 7/18

  • 12U Blue/Gold

    • Field Players: 9v9

    • Playing Time: ** see below

    • MYSA Game Roster: 18

    • Min/Max Team Size: 7/18

  • 13U Blue/Gold

    • Field Players:

    • Playing Time: ** see below

    • MYSA Game Roster: 18

    • Min/Max Team Size: 7/22

  • 14U-19U

    • Field Players:

    • Playing Time: ** see below

    • MYSA Game Roster: 18

    • Min/Max Team Size: 7/22

** While there is no specific guarantee of playing time for age groups 12U-19U, coaches should attempt to provide play time opportunities appropriate to the level of competition allowing for the player to play in each half of each game, provided that the player has been responsible in attending practices, attitude, effort, and has no disciplinary issues. Playing time refers for purposes here in this policy to rostered players for any given game.

Board Approved 2/20/17

Risk Management


Outside Information

Law Enforcement Numbers

Child Protective Services Lewis & Clark Co.  

Child & Family Services Division of the Montana Department of Public Health and Human Services (Montana DPHHS)

Club Risk Management

State Risk Management

National Governing Body (NGB)

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